Saturday, August 01, 2009


A long day 'twas and the traffic standstill,
At last, I wondered, we could eat our stomach's fill.
I waited and begged and pleaded and prayed,
"Dun't have change, come later" is all that they said.
But I wasn't disappointed 'coz someday I'll be rich,
and all the things in this world will switch...

I love my mother as she is very very good,
Though I come empty, she gives me enough food.
But I dunt like her cries when she puts me to bed,
"Your father left us to stay with the god", she once said..
But I wasn't unhappy 'coz someday I'll be rich,
and all the things in this world will switch...

I heard that there are kids who need not work at all !
They just eat and study and play football !!
There are rich people who eat 3-4 curries a meal !
When we get to eat only leftover rice, water and even banana peel !!
But I was not angry 'coz someday I'll be rich,
and all the things in this world will switch...